Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Connect-CBD is Releasing Soon!

Utilize the power of our Cloud Based Data solution to effectively manage Sales, Inventory, Customer / Vendor profiles, and more all from our easy-to-use online Dashboard. Bring Your Own Device or use ours by downloading our Point-of-Sale Application from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and take control of your business today!

Grow Your Customers

  • Sell to customers through physical and online channels​
  • Directly connect with customers through Mobile App​
  • Accept every kind of payments anywhere​
  • Identify best customers and products via AI modeling​
  • Save time by managing all channels through one central, automated place

Manage All Your Data in One Place

  • Inventory – Store all inventory prices, Descriptions, Costs, Vendor Information, COA data and more.
  • Customers – Keep track of customer contact information and purchase history.​
  • Vendors – Store all Vendor information for contacts, items, payment terms, website
  • Reports – See overview information for sales, inventory, trends, and customer references in real-time
  • Artificial Intelligence – Get insights for ordering, labor, and sales forecasts



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